Tiket Pesawat Murah dan Tiket Kereta Api Murah


Sunday, 14 November 2010

Indonesia Climate

It’s never hot in Indonesia! The Indonesia climate resembles the locals who are calm and predictable. The climate in Indonesia too is very much constant with least amount of changes.The only variation in the Indonesian climate is not in the temperature or air pressure, but the rainfall. Around 81% of Indonesia’s area is covered by the warm waters from the rainfall in the land. The rainfall ensures that the land temperature of Indonesia remains stable. The archipelago of Indonesia is split by Equator thus ensuring a tropical climate all through the year. The coastal plains in the country averages an annual temperature of 28 °C while the inland and the mountain base records an average of 26 °C whereas the annual average temperature on the higher mountains is 23 °C.
The ‘land of Komodo dragon’ usually experiences a relative humidity of 70 to 90% with moderate and mostly predictable winds. The monsoon winds in Indonesia mostly blow from the south and the east in the months of June to September bringing down torrential rainfall. The monsoon changes direction during the months of December to March when it blows from the northwest direction. The land has little threat from Typhoons and huge storms. Rather the mariners face a threat from the swift currents in the channels, such as the Lombok and Sape straits.
The variations in climate in Indonesia generally come from the rainfall and the monsoons. In other words monsoon brings in the different seasons in Indonesia. There is a spell of dry season between the months of June to September which is caused generally by the Australian continental air masses.
The northern and the western part of Indonesia experiences the maximum precipitation because of the north- and westward-moving monsoon clouds which are moving into these areas and are heavy with moisture. They usually lose some amount of moisture as they reach the other parts of the country.

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