Photo Contest Pacu Jawi in Tanah Datar
Pacu Jawi is a game typical village in Tanah Datar. Pacu Jawi in Tanah Datar held specifically for the fields and rider come running with jawinya.
In order to preserve and promote Alek Nagari Nagari ” Pacu Jawi ” Culture and Tourism Department of Tanah Datar District Photo Contest held Pacu Jawi Year 2009.
With the invented this race is expected to be Pacu Jawi activities better known, both at national and international levels, and ultimately will increase the number of tourists visiting the Tanah Datar LUHAK Nan Tuo.
General Provisions
- Open to the public (Committee, Ladies and family not allowed to follow the race).
- Theme photo: Race & Procession Pacu Jawi.
- One of the participants can submit a maximum of 8 images.
- No fee charged
- Photos are private property, which had never won any prizes in other competitions
- Photos taken at the time of the race Pacu Jawi 30 September, 10 October and 17 October 2009
- Digital Engineering is not allowed, there must EXIF data.
- Image size 10 R and submit softcopy on CD, JPEG format with a minimum image size 5 megafipiksel. For images created with film must include the original cliches.
- Behind the photograph must be posted that contain data data title image, photographer’s name and address, Phone number / HP.
- All photographs included in the sealed envelope left corner of the envelope and written Pacu Jawi Photo contest 2009
- Images can be taken directly to the working day or sent to the SECRETARY Competition Committee, at the latest by October 23, 2009
- Address Secretariat:
Office of Culture & Tourism Tanah Datar
Complex Fort Van der Capellen
Batusangkar, West Sumatra
Posting Online to (Pwo) to the process of Judging: - Sign up for free
- The size of the longest side of max.1024 pixels high resolution.
- Photo of the entry will be judged by a jury on June 6 and 7 November 2009.
- Photo assessed by the jury is a photograph signed / sent by site
- Committee entitled to disqualify the participants before and after the judging when considered cheating
- The decision of the jury legitimate and inviolable
- Jury
o Makarios Soekojo (Director
o Arbain Rambey (Senior Photographer Compass)
o Alfian Jamrah (Head dispar Tanah Datar)
Gift I: Rp. Regent 3jt + Trophy + Certificate
Second Prize: Rp. Regent 2jt + Trophy + Certificate
Third Prize: Rp. Regent 1jt + Trophy + Certificate
Gift Expectations: 5 of each Rp. 750rb + Certificate
Winners will be announced on the site,, and Daily Padang Express.
Photo contest winners are nominated and will be exhibited on the 12th, 13th, 14th November 2009 and names and award winners will be conducted on November 14, 2009 at the closing exhibition of Batusangkar.
All photos belong to winners of the committee and the committee has the right to use as a tourism publicity materials, without having to ask permission first.
For the photos that did not win, but a time will be used for publication, the Committee will contact the owner of the photograph
Location of Balimau can healing Diseases
Hot Douche Water
Before days fasting, bathing places in the area of Solok Regency has always been a people who want balimau already become traditions from generation to generation.Some people rate, in addition to valuable sunah, tradition balimau with a bath in places such as bathing lakes, hot water or shower time is also used as place bercengkerama fellow friends and relatives.
In Solok Regency, Lake Singkarak addition, the location also made by the people balimau shower hot water is there in the Jorong Aie Angek, Nagari Koto Anau, Lembang Jaya district.
In addition to relaxing the match enjoy the nature from a height, a shower with hot water containing sulfur is also believed the community could heal diseases, especially skin disease.
Usually, people have started to come to the location of the hot tap water comes from Mount Talang that day, a day before the entry of fasting month. While waiting in the cold come the afternoon and again, people prefer to relaxing in the street not far from the location of hot spring bathing while enjoying the beautiful natural surroundings.
Batu Basurek, Inscription on Adityawarman The King Pagaruyung.
Batu Basurek citadel located at Kubur Rajo village, Lima Kaum Sub distric is 4 km from the Batusangkar.Batu basurek is located at the top of the graves of the king Adityawarman.inscription Batu Basurek any posts were written with it in ancient sanskerta.Batu Basurek is 25 cm wide 80 cm high with a thickness 10 cm and weight of 50 kg.
Batu Basurek has aged 659 year. This discovery inscription is written in the first
16 December 1880 by P.H. Van Hengst, Assistant Resident Tanah Datar. Prof. H Kern, an expert from the Netherlands, who he first discussed with the inscription any posts Java Ancient Sanskrit language it. In the 1917 he is to translate the contents: “Adityawarman strong forward, he Kanakamedinindra authorities or Suwarnadwipa (Sumatra or Golden Land). Adwayawarman father. He Indra family.”
Adityawarman born from the womb Dara Jingga, daughter of the king Darmasraya located at the Batanghari river, Jambi. His father, Adwayawarman earlier, relatives Singosari palace.
Have, in 1292 China’s Kublai Khan Singosari attack. And his brother Dara Jingga, Dara Petak, bring the army to help Singosari. Unfortunately, Singosari fall, and eventually mastered Jayakatwang. Then Raden Wijaya Jayakatwang move and rename it into the kingdom of Majapahit. Raden Wijaya married Dara Petak. Dara Jingga make the Adwayawarman. Once married, Dara Jingga invites her husband back to Darmasraya – and Adityawarman was born.
After Majapahit for various services, so the king finally Adityawarman in Darmasraya. He moved the kingdom’s Siguntur (Sawahlunto Sijunjung) to Pagaruyung.
Until now the Pagaruyung still have differences of opinion whether Adityawarman Minangkabau king or king Pagaruyung only. Because, at that time that the king in The Limo Kaum, Pariangan, Tanah Datar and the other, is Datuk Parpatih Nan Sabatang and Datuk Katamanggungan. “Adityawarman a sumando not more, (the husband of the Minangkabau).
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