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Friday, 5 November 2010

Bali Event

JANUARY 1 New Year 2010
  "Tumpek Kandang/Tumpek Uye", Sanghyang Rare Angon" the Lord of cattel and livestock, requesting good ibreed and product at : Every animal husbandry and family compound in Bali.
Siwaratri Day

FEBRUARY 6 "Tumpek Wayang", it is special day for puppeteers, when blessing ceremony is given to shadow puppet play set for "taksu"(magical charm and power). Throught Bali. Odalan. Temple anniversary celebration at : Pura Bhatara ratu alit and Ratu lingsir, Singakerta village, district of Sukawati, Gianyar regency & Pura Pedarman, Besakih ( the mother temple), Karangasem regency.
14 Chinese New Year
14 Valentine Day
26 Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday
27 "Saraswati", the day devoted to God as Sanghyang Aji Saraswati symbolized a Beautiful Goddess of Knowledge, sciences and arts, when blessing ceremony is given to holy scriptures, books of sciences and arts for every family compound throughout Bali.
28 "Banyupinaruh day", when the Balinese go to every beach, river, lake and spring, to purity themselves and pray for wisdom and wits, at dawn. Throughout Bali.
28 Fullmoon

MARCH 1 "Comaribek day", when blessing ceremony is held for every source of living (rice, barn, spring, etc). throughout Bali.
3 "Pagerwesi ceremony", The word "Pagerwesi", "literally means" "iron fence" (Pager= fence, wesi= iron) This day is doevoted to “Sanghyang Pramesti Guru” (God as lord of the universe), when Hindu followers pray for strong mental defence to face life obstacles.
11 - 13 Food, Hotel and Tourism Bali 2010 at BICC about trade and exhibitions of Food Hotel and Tourism in Bali.
13 "Tumpek Landep day", the day devoted to Sanghyang Pasupati (as the Lord of all metal implements) when blessing ceremony is given to heirlooms weapons and the other metal tools ( including cars) for magical power and proper function. Throughout Bali.
13 "Mekiyis" or "Melasti", ceremony the procession of Hindu followers carrying temple effigies to the beach for purification ceremony in welcoming "Nyepi" the Is Caka New Year.
15 "Tawur Agung Kesanga", ceremony, great sacrificial ceremony offered to the underworld spirits for not disturbing human being’s settlement (at 12.00 noon) followed by process of "Ogoh-ogoh" (monster-like creatures made from bamboo, papers, and Styrofoam symbolizing evil spirits) in the evening.
16 "Nyepi Day", Caka New Year 1932, a day of absolute silence for Hindu followers, when no activity is done, no fire is lit, no traveling anywhere and no amusement is held for the day and night, Throughout Bali.
17 Ngembak Geni
17 "Med-Medan", traditional event, this event is held in connection with “Nyepi” the Caka new year, involving maidens and bachelors of the village as to strengthen brotherhood and understanding among the youth. Initiated with prayer at the local temple, the group members then hug one another, getting roughly wet under water sprouted by someone. It’s a cheerful moment for all, held about 15.00 hours. At Banjar Kaja, Sesetan village, south of Denpasar.
29 Fullmoon

APRIL 2 Good Friday
4 Easter Day
17 "Tumpek uduh / pengatag", the day devoted to God as "Sanghyang Sangkara" lord of all food-plants and vegetation, when blessing ceremony is held for good crop and product, every farm and plantation throughout Bali.
The Earth Day
25 - 30 World Geothermal Congress at BICC Nusa Dua
28 Fullmoon
30 International Forum and Leisure Break for Ophthalmologist – Bali Ophthalmologist Retreat (BIOR 2010) Ayana Resort and Spa Bali (until May 2 2010)

MAY 12 "Galungan celebration", as to commemorate the victory of “Dharma” (virtue) upon “Adharma” ( evil) based on the mythology of “ Mayadenawa” the demon king who was involved ia a war against God Indra’s troops. On this day , a tall bamboo –pole decorated with young coconut leaves, flower, fruit and cakes is stuck on every house entrance and make a marvelous sight along the village roads symbolizing prosperity, throughout Bali.
Ascension of Jesus Christ
16 - 23
Rotary Tennis
22 "Kuningan celebration", the last day of Galungan celebration, believed to be the ascendant day of the ancentral holy spirits and Deities to heaven after sojourning for several day son this material world. On this day, special offering consisted of yellow rice and special dishens are offered while every compound and temple is decorated with ornaments made of young coconut leaves and flowers. Throughout Bali.
24 - 28 61st FIABCI World Congress The International Real Estate Federal
27 Fullmoon
28 Buddhist Waisak
30 - June 2 Coaltrans Conference at BICC Nusa Dua

JUNE 12 Opening ceremony of the 32nd Bali Art Festival (the festival is being held for full month. From June 12 to July 11)
20 MRA International Bali Triathlon 2010
26 Fullmoon and Tumpek Krulut day

JULY 10 Prophet Muhammad’s Ascension
12 - 17 IIAS/IISA--International Institute of Administrative Sciences at BICC Nusa Dua
19 - 23 Tropical Biology Conference at BICC Nusa Dua
26 Fullmoon
31 "Tumpek Kandang/Tumpek Uye", "Sanghyang Rare Angon" the Lord of cattel and livestock, requesting good ibreed and product at : Every animal husbandry and family compound in Bali.

AUGUST 14 Bali Anniversary
17 Indonesia Independence Day
24 Fullmoon

SEPTEMBER 4 "Tumpek Wayang", it is special day for puppeteers, when blessing ceremony is given to shadow puppet play set for "taksu"(magical charm and power). Throught Bali. Odalan. Temple anniversary celebration at : Pura Bhatara ratu alit and Ratu lingsir, Singakerta village, district of Sukawati, Gianyar regency & Pura Pedarman, Besakih ( the mother temple), Karangasem regency.
10 - 11 Islamic New Year 1 Muharram 1431 H
23 Fullmoon
25 "Saraswati", the day devoted to God as Sanghyang Aji Saraswati symbolized a Beautiful Goddess of Knowledge, sciences and arts, when blessing ceremony is given to holy scriptures, books of sciences and arts for every family compound throughout Bali.
26 "Banyupinaruh day", when the Balinese go to every beach, river, lake and spring, to purity themselves and pray for wisdom and wits, at dawn. Throughout Bali.
27 "Comaribek day", when blessing ceremony is held for every source of living (rice, barn, spring, etc). throughout Bali.
29 "Pagerwesi ceremony", The word "Pagerwesi", "literally means" "iron fence" (Pager= fence, wesi= iron) This day is doevoted to “Sanghyang Pramesti Guru” (God as lord of the universe), when Hindu followers pray for strong mental defence to face life obstacles.

OCTOBER 6 - 10 Ubud’s Writers and Readers Festival – Bhinneka Tunggal Ika
9 "Tumpek Landep day", the day devoted to Sanghyang Pasupati (as the Lord of all metal implements) when blessing ceremony is given to heirlooms weapons and the other metal tools ( including cars) for magical power and proper function. Throughout Bali.
22 Fullmoon

NOVEMBER 13 "Tumpek uduh", the day devoted to God as "Sanghyang Sangkara" lord of all food-plants and vegetation, when blessing ceremony is held for good crop and product, every farm and plantation throughout Bali.
17 Idul Adha 1431 Hijriyah
21 Fullmoon

DECEMBER 5 4 Th International Global Healing Conference and Film Festival – Ubud
7 1432 Hijriyah New Year
8 "Galungan celebration", as to commemorate the victory of “Dharma” (virtue) upon “Adharma” ( evil) based on the mythology of “ Mayadenawa” the demon king who was involved ia a war against God Indra’s troops. On this day , a tall bamboo –pole decorated with young coconut leaves, flower, fruit and cakes is stuck on every house entrance and make a marvelous sight along the village roads symbolizing prosperity, throughout Bali.
18 "Kuningan celebration", the last day of Galungan celebration, believed to be the ascendant day of the ancentral holy spirits and Deities to heaven after sojourning for several day son this material world. On this day, special offering consisted of yellow rice and special dishens are offered while every compound and temple is decorated with ornaments made of young coconut leaves and flowers. Throughout Bali.
20 Fullmoon
25 Christmas

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