Tiket Pesawat Murah dan Tiket Kereta Api Murah


Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Adventure to Karimunjawa

Karimun islands in the Java Sea is included in the district of Jepara,Central Java. With an area of 1500 hectares of land and waters ± ±110 000 hectares, Karimunjawa now developed into a tourist charms Marine Park which began much-loved local and foreigntourists.

Based on the legend that circulated in the islands, Karimun Jawawas discovered by Sunan Muria. The legend tells about SunanMuria are concerned about the mischief her son, Amir Hasan. For the purpose of educating, Sunan Muria then ordered his son to go toan island that appears "kremun-kremun" (escape) from the summit of Mount Moriah for the child to deepen and develop the science ofreligion. Because it appears "kremun-kremun" then dinamakanlahisland of Karimun Island.

Since March 15, 2001, Karimunjawa set by the government of Jepara as National Park. Publications are home to coral reefs,mangroves, coastal forest and fauna species nearly 400 ocean, 242 species of fish including ornamental. Some of the rare fauna thatberhabitat here is the sea eagle and white chest, hawksbill, andgreen turtle.

Plants that characterized National Park Karimunjawa namelyDewadaru (Crystocalyx macrophyla) found in lowland rain forest.

Waves in Karimunjawa low and tame, mostly limited by the beach isfine white sand beach.

Transportation to the island of Karimun, there are two kinds, via thesea and air. Sea lane to use fast ship Kartini I, starting from the port of Tanjung Mas Semarang, which take about 2 hours. The second channel using the ferry from the port in the town of Jepara Kartini,because it used the ferry, then travel time becomes 2X speed boatin the appeal Kartini I, about 6 hours from the town of Jepara. As for the air route, can take advantage of a small plane belongingTortoises resorts from Achmad Yani airport in Semarang.

To see the detailed schedule and type of transportation to Karimun,you can see it here bro, her blog Jepara Tourist Information Center.

Publications are now developed into tourist charms Marine Park which began much-loved local and foreign tourists. Various points to be a place of dives, including beach- beach on the island of Menjangan Besar, Menjangan Small, Geleang, Bengkoang, Parang, Twins, katang, Krakal Small, and the island of Beetles. In addition to coral reefs and mangrove forests, coastal areas Karimun Islands also enhanced with a vast expanse of seagrass beds. On land, forests also store wealth in the form of various birds and mammals are protected. There was also a population of long-tailed deer and monkeys and white hawks that inhabit the sea chest and island Bird island Geleang. 

This recreational activity not only be enjoyed by visitors who like snorkeling, but also for visitors who are just happy to see the boat.Publications that provide bottom boat made of translucent glass (glass bottom boat). Menjangan Besar also enriched with the aquarium that resembles the sea, offers a diversity of fish found in Karimun.
Karimunjawa itself also has a National Park Publications, formerly known as the Nature Reserve Publications.
1. Culinary
Publications famous for its distinctive food, among others getuk, popcorn, and the misbegotten. However, the most popular are broyo foods, foods that legume-based and can be found in almost all contained in Karimun island.
2. Transportation
Karimun Islands can be reached via the port of Tanjung Mas Semarang, and from Jepara Kartini through the port. From Tanjung Mas Semarang, Boat Racing (KMC) Kartini I, departing every Saturday at 9:00 and Monday, at 7:00. The same vessel also serves the route port-Karimunjawa Jepara Kartini every Monday at 10:00. Motor vessel serving the route Muria Muria-Karimun depart every Saturday and Wednesday, at 9:00.
From the Karimun Islands, Kartini I go every Sunday, at 14.00 and Tuesday, at 9:00. KMP Muria depart every Monday and Thursday at 09.00. For inter-island transportation, available means of motor boats that cost depends on distance traveled or duration of use.Karimun can also be accessed through the air with Cassa 212 aircraft types that depart from Ahmad Yani Airport, Semarang towards Dewadaru airfield on the island of Karimun. 

3. Souvenirs
As a tourist village, Karimunjawa has been supplemented by various support facilities are adequate. As the flagship is a craft gift timber. In addition to the wooden crafts, other souvenirs offered generally in the form of domestic industrial products such as jerseys, hats, anchovies, fish sauce, molten metal items, processed food from seaweed, and coconut oil.
Religious Tourism 
Snorkeling and diving is a natural thing done when we travel to the island of Karimun. However, religious tours like pilgrimage to the tomb of Sunan Nyamplungan could be an alternative to a tourist destination, especially for those who want to learn history. For performing arts and culture here is almost extinct due to lack of special attention from local governments in preserving local arts and culture.
Sunan Nyamplungan
Many versions of it that tells the history of Sunan Nyamplungan itself. Based on the narrative of the cemetery caretaker, the father of Tyoso, Sunan Nyamplungan Amir Hasan have real names, some say the son of Sunan Kudus and Goddess Rupil, but some say the son of Sunan Muria. Sheikh Amir Hasan (Sunan Nyamplungan) kebandelannya famous at that time. So by his father, he was told to go to the north. When viewed from the Mount Muria, in the northern group of islands which seem dim (kremun-kremun). Hence, the island then called the Karimun Java (kremun-kremun kethok cornerstone Jowo = faintly visible from Java).Additionally, in Arabic, means Mulya Karimun. The name can be interpreted Mulya Karimun Java-mulyane Jowo (Mulya-mulyanya Java.).
Nyamplungan name that is used as the name of this village originally derived from the name of the tree. At that time, around the coast, there are many trees nyamplung. It is said that the story, Nyamplung tree is quite sacred. Sunan Nyamplungan very fond of the fruit of this tree. In the 1980's, by the owner of the land, the trees are cut. Whether by coincidence or not, the father of Ali a local community through the reckless felling sites, almost crushed by the tree. coincidence that the tree trunk has 2 branches on top, so that when the position of the tree has fallen to the ground, the right flank branch Mr Ali's body and only slightly scratched skin.
Legon catfish
Another story with the famous legend of catfish in this region because of catfish dikarimunjawa do not have a keen shaft. Then later this catfish breeding area later called Legon Lele. Historically I do not understand and only know a little info, so I do not write here. Catfish Legon area is a fertile region, although not widespread we could see some commodities such as cashew nut plantations, coconuts along the beach and there are also plant rice.Springs to Karimun island needs are in this area.
At Legon Lele also has Campgrounds (Camping Ground), so for my friends who want to feel the atmosphere of the forest can camp here, though not so widely not bad for the experience. 

Seaweed dikarimunjawa very big different with seaweed in Yogyakarta, maybe because I eat there, if you've taken to Yogyakarta has shrunk as possible. Seaweed cultivation dikarimunjawa last 5 years are very trend, unlike the first time, people more often find fish by using a boat around the island.Perhaps because the sea grass that exists at high prices in the market and are very enthused people outside Karimunjawa.

Thursday, 13 January 2011

Mystery of Borobudur Temple

In Indonesia there is also a gigantic building that is stillmany mysteries unsolved. That is the Borobudur Temple.
According to the history of Borobudur Temple was built byKing Smaratungga one of the king of the ancient kingdomof Mataram dynasty dynasty in the 8th century. According to the legend of the Borobudur Temple was built by anarchitect named Gunadharma, but the truth of the news inhirtoris not clearly known.
If we look from a distance, Borobudur will look like astaircase or a similar arrangement of building the pyramids and a stupa. Unlike the giant pyramid in Egyptand the Pyramids of Teotihuacan in Mexico Borobudur isanother version of pyramid building. Borobudur pyramidform kepunden staircase will not be found in the regionand any country.

Meanwhile, when viewed from the air, the BorobudurTemple is similar to the shape of lotus. Lotus is one of the symbols used in homage (worship) religion of Buddha,symbolizing purity, remind Buddhists to always keep the mind and heart remain clean despite being in an environment that 'not clean'

In the 1930's W.O.J. Nieuwenkamp never give scientific fantasy of the Borobudur Temple. Supported research on geology, Nieuwenkamp said that Borobudur stupa instead referred to as a building but as a lotus flower floating on the lake. The lake is now dry at all, used to cover a portion of Kedu lying areas that lie around the hill of Borobudur.Aerial photo Kedu area does give the impression of a vast lake around the Borobudur Temple. According to ancient scriptures, a temple founded in the vicinity bercengkeramanya the gods. The peak and slope of the hill, an area of volcanic activity, plateaus, banks of rivers and lakes, and the confluence of two rivers is considered to be a good location for the establishment of a temple. What's interesting is the name Borobudur temple architect, who named Gunadharma. But who Gunadharma? There are no historical records about a character named Gunadharma this. It is estimated Gunadharma is a symbol of the name of someone who has exceptional intellectual.There is an assumption that the Borobudur Temple was built with the help of 'other beings'. Basic materials making up the Borobudur Temple is a rock that reaches thousands of cubic meters of them. A stone weighing hundreds of kilograms. Remarkably, to glue the stones do not use cement. Antarbatu only linked to each other, the stone top-down, left and right, and rear-front. When viewed from the air, then the form of Borobudur Temple and statue-statue relatively symmetrical. The greatness of another, nearby Borobudur temple and there are Mendut Pawon. Apparently Borobudur, Mendut, and if drawn the line Pawon Khayat, are in a straight line. So no wonder there is a legend that says the ancients mastered the science of magic so they can fly in space.Including the Gunadharma this?

Sunday, 9 January 2011

Bandung, Parijs Van Java


Bandung is provincial capital of West Java, Indonesia. Located at main island 
of Indonesia, the Java Island on a highland plateau 768 meters above sea 
at 6°55' S 107°36' E.
Bandung is surrounded by mountains and located in the middle of 
prehistoric lake.

how to reach Bandung

As one of big city in Indonesia, Bandung can be reach from many other 
cities in Indonesia, even from another island such as Sumatra, Bali, and 
Borneo (Kalimantan). From Asia, Bandung can be reach directly from 
Malaysia and Singapore.
Where are you come from? if you from several foreign country you 
can use airplane directly to Bandung's Hussein Sastranegara Airport or 
via Soekarno Hatta International Airport, Jakarta.

For land transport option, many way are available. Buses, trains, 
or by car. By land You can reach Bandung within 2 hours(estimated 
by 150kms direct highway) or faster from Jakarta.

Malaysia, Singapore, and several countries has regular flight to Bandung. 
Besides international flight, Bandung's airport serve flights to and from 
other major cities in Indonesia, like Jakarta, Surabaya, Semarang, Denpasar,

earlier Bandung

Beginning from "De Grote Postweg", The capital city of Bandung 
Regency were move from Dayeuh Kolot to Cikapundung riverside 
(near alun-alun now) and Parakan Muncang Regency to Andawadak 
(Tanjung Sari Now). This is based on article "Sadjarah Soemedang 
Djaman Koempeni Toeg Nepi Ka Kiwari" by Raden Asik Natanegara. 
Earlier Bandung was forest thats constract to become small village. 

Pajajaran Era

In 1488, the area now named Bandung was the capital of the Kingdom 
of Padjajaran. But from ancient archeological finds, we know the city 
was home to Australopithecus, Java Man. These people lived on the 
banks of the Cikapundung in north Bandung, and on the shores of the 
Great Lake of Bandung. Flint artifacts can still be found in the Upper 
Dago area and the Geological Museum has displays and fragments of 
skeletal remains and artifacts.
The Sundanese were a pastoral people farming the fertile regions 
of Bandung. They developed a lively oral tradition which includes 
the still practiced Wayang Golek puppet theatre, and many 
musical forms. "There is a city called Bandung, comprising 
25 to 30 houses," wrote Juliaen de Silva in 1614.

Ducth Colonial Era

The achievements of European adventurers to try their luck in 
the fertile and prosperous Bandung area, led eventually to 1786 
when a road was built connecting Jakarta, Bogor, Cianjur and 
Bandung. This flow was increased when in 1809 Louis Napoleon, 
the ruler of the Netherlands, ordered Governor General H.W. Daendels, 
to increase defences in Java against English. The vision was a chain 
of military defense units and a supply road between Batavia and Cirebon. 
But this coastal area was marsh and swamp, and it was easier 
to construct the road further south, across the Priangan highlands.
The Groote Postweg (Great Post Road) was built 11 miles north 
of the then capital of Bandung. With his usual terseness, Daendels 
ordered the capital to be relocated to the road. 
Bupati Wiranatakusumah II chose a site south of the road on the 
western bank of the Cikapundung, near a pair of holy wells, 
Sumur Bandung, supposedly protected by the ancient goddess
Nyi Kentring Manik. On this site he built his dalem (palace) 
and the alun-alun (city square). Following traditional orientations,
Mesjid Agung (The Grand Mosque) was placed on the western side, 
and the public market on the east. His residence and Pendopo 
(meeting place) was on the south facing the mystical mountain
of Tangkuban Perahu. Thus was The Flower City born.
Around the middle of the l9th Century, South American cinchona 
(quinine), Assam tea, and coffee was introduced to the highlands. 
By the end of the century Priangan was registered as the most 
prosperous plantation area of the province. In 1880 the rail line 
connecting Jakarta and Bandung was completed, and promised a 
2 1/2 hour trip from the blistering capital in Jakarta to Bandung.
With this life changed in Bandung, hotels, cafes, shops sprouted 
up to serve the planters who either came down from their 
highland plantations or up from the capital to frolic in Bandung. 
he Concordia Society was formed and with its large ballroom 
was the social magnet for weekend activities in the city. The 
Preanger Hotel and the Savoy Homann were the hotels of choice. 
The Braga became the promenade, lined with exclusive Europeans shops.
With the railroad, light industry flourished. Once raw plantation crops 
were sent directly to Jakarta for shipment to Europe, now primary 
processing could be done efficiently in Bandung. The Chinese who 
had never lived in Bandung in any number came to help run the f
acilities and vendor machines and services to the new industries. 
Chinatown dates from this period.
In the first years of the present century, Pax Neerlandica 
was proclaimed, resulting in the passing of military government 

to a civilian one. With this came the policy of decentralization 
to lighten the administrative burden of the central government. And
so Bandung became a municipality in 1906.
This turn of events left a great impact on the city. City Hall was 
built at the north end of Braga to accommodate the new government, 
separate from the original native system. This was soon followed
by a larger scale development when the military headquarters was 
moved from Batavia to Bandung around 1920. The chosen site was 
east of City Hall, and consisted of a residence for the Commander in 
Chief, offices, barracks and military housing.
By the early 20's the need for skilled professionals drove the 
establishment of the technical high school that was sponsored 
by the citizens of Bandung. At the same time the plan to move the 
capital of the Netherlands Indies from Batavia to Bandung was already 
mature, the city was to be extended to the north. The capital district 
was placed in the northeast, an area that had formerly been rice fields, 
and a grand avenue was planned to run for about 2.5 kilometers facing 
the fabled Tangkuban Perahu volcano with Gedung Sate at the south end, 
and a colossal monument at the other. on both sides of this grand boulevard 
buildings would house the various offices of the massive colonial government.
Along the east bank of the Cikapundung River amidst natural scenery was the 
campus of the Technische Hoogeschool, dormitories and staff housing. 
The old campus buildings and its original landscaping reflect the genius 
of its architect Henri Maclain Pont. The southwestern section was reserved 
for the municipal hospital and the Pasteur Institute, in the neighborhood of 
the old quinine factory. These developments were carefully planned down to 
the architectural and maintenance details. These years shortly before World 
War II were the golden ones in Bandung and those alluded to today as 
Bandung Tempoe Doeloe.

Post-Independence Era

After Indonesian independence, Bandung was named as the provincial 
capital of West Java (Jawa Barat). Bandung was the site of the Bandung 
Conference which met April 18-April 24, 1955 with the aim of promoting 
economic and cultural cooperation among the African and Asian countries, 
and to counter the threat of colonialism or neocolonialism by the United 
States, the Soviet Union, or other imperialistic nations.

Walk in Bandung

The main part of Bandung lies to the south of the railway line that 
crosses the city from east to west. Most of the banks, airlines, tourist 
offices and 5 star hotels are located here, along with the alun alun, 
as the main square in Indonesian cities is called. The principal thoroughf
are, Jalan Asia Afrika, is in this part of town, as is Jalan Braga, which 
was the up-market shopping area in colonial times and is now the 
centre of Bandung’s nightlife. Most of the city’s budget accommodation 
and any many of its huge shopping malls are also in this area.
On the other side of the railway are the elegant residential areas of 
the Old Dutch suburbs with their wide tree lined streets, gardens and parks. 
The urban area stretches north along two parallel arterial roads, 
Jalan Setiabudi and Jalan Juanda, to the hills of Dago. The offices of the
West Java provincial government, the Bandung Institute of Technology 
and the zoo are located in this area.
Although Bandung is only about 200 years old it has many places of historic 
and cultural interest, not least its museums and art deco architecture.

During the early twentieth century colonial era, Bandung was known as "Parijs van Java"
or the Paris of Java. The nick name was probably given because of the city's
European atmosphere. Nobody, however, knows exactly when that nick name was
first used or who gave it, but an excursion guide book for the Priangan area
(where Bandung is located) published in 1906 had already used the name. Many things
have of course changed since then. While the city still has some European heritage,
the European feel has since then been replaced by more local colors. The name,
however, is still frequently invoked to bring back the memory of the good old days
when the city was a beautiful high land resort town of less than 200,000 population.

As part of the efforts to bring the good old days back to life, a resort lifestyle market
place was built and completed in July 2006. The place is appropriately called Paris
Van Java or PVJ as it is locally known. Located in Sukajadi area in the north of the
city, this lifestyle mall occupies an area of nearly 5,000 square meters. It has four f
loors, green walk gardens and more than 200 European-styled shops and cafes
serving a great variety of delicious international and local cuisines, including a huge
cineplex, a book store, an open-air stage, and a couple of international-chain supermarkets.

The Legend of Sangkuriang
The legend of Bandung begins here...
(According to the story of Sundanese Folk)

From passion, desire, love, and angry of Sangkuriang, The Eruption of Mountain 
Tangkuban Parahu, until now become a city...
Here is the short story...
There is a kingdom in Priangan Land. Live a happy family, a father in form of dog 
(his name is Tumang), a mother (her name is Dayang Sumbi), and a child call 
Sangkuriang. Tumang is demigod possessing magic powers.
One day, Dayang Sumbi asked her son to go hunting in the nearest jungle 
and she wanted some deer liver or venison. So Sangkuriang went hunting with his 
lovely dog, Tumang, to please his mother. After hunting all day with empty-handed,
Sangkuriang began desperate and worried. Think shortly, Sangkuriang took his arrow
and shot his dog. Then he took the dog liver or flesh and carried home.
He gave dog liver or flesh to his mother. Soon Dayang Sumbi fine out that Sangkuriang 
lied to her. She knew Sangkuriang had killed Tumang. So, She angry and hit Sangkuriang
head. Sangkuriang got wounded and scar. Sangkuriang cast away from their home.
Years go bye, Sangkuriang had travel many places and on one day, he arrived at a village
which is used to be his home. He met a beautiful woman whom actually his mother and felt
in love with her.
Their love grew naturally and one day, when they were discussing their wedding plans, 
Dayang Sumbi suddenly realised that the profile of Sangkuriang's head matched that of 
her only son's who had left twenty years earlier. How could she marry her own son? But 
she did not wish to dissapointed him by canceling the wedding. So, although she agreed 
to marry Sangkuriang, she would do so only on the condition that he provide her with
a lake and a boat with which they could sail on the dawn of their wedding day.
Sangkuriang accepted this condition and built a lake by damming the Citarum river. 
With a dawn just moment away and the boat almost complete, Dayang Sumbi realised 
that Sangkuriang would fulfill the condition she had set. With a wave of her supernatural 
shawl, she lit up the eastern horizon with flashes of light. Deceived by false dawn, the 
cock crowed and farmers rose for the new day.
With his work not yet complete, SangkuriaNg realised that his endeavor were lost. 
With all his anger, he kicked the boat that he himself had built. The boat fell 
over and, in so doing become the mountain TANGKUBAN PARAHU (in Sundanese,
TANGKUBAN means upturned or upside down, and PARAHU means boat). With the
dam torn asunder, the water drained from the lake becoming a wide plain and nowadays
became a city called BANDUNG (from the word BENDUNG, which means Dam). 

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